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想要出人头地? 加入D组.C. 酒吧 法律系学生社团 (LSC) can get you t在这里. Your LSC membership will provide resume and skills boosting opportunities and one-on-one access to local practicing attorneys.

加入我们的免费回归法学院联谊会, 周二, 9月10日, 2024, 下午4点到6点, to learn more about this community and meet Community leaders. 点击 在这里 了解更多并注册.

项目包括: 奖 Winning Student-led 播客 • 领导奖学金 • 司法见习训练营 • 点击 在这里 听到这些机会和更多!

Jumpstart your legal career by becoming a member and gain access to an array of member benefits including:

  • Opportunities to participate in a student-led podcast, 领导奖学金, 司法见习训练营, 以及一系列其他实质性的项目
  • The chance to pitch ideas and contribute to the D.C. 酒吧的著名出版物
  • FREE remote access to your 社区' live programs
  • 拥有法律学生社团会员资格, choose multiple practice specialty 社区 at no additional cost
  • FREE professional headshot ideal for your social media profile

Need assistance with managing your wellness under the pressures of law school? 联系 D.C. 欧洲杯投注赔率援助计划 选D.C. 欧洲杯投注赔率协会会员和法律系学生.



My 经验 with the 法律系学生社团 is a testament to the DC 酒吧's ongoing commitment to training, 指导, and connecting the future generation of lawyers. Engaging in the 法律系学生社团 is not only insightful, but is also personally rewarding. While I learned a lot from the talented and 经验d lawyers and staff at the DC BAR, I also gained great working skills and built long-lasting relationships through the Karen Hastie Williams Fellowship and the Writers in Residency Program.
- Tynekia Garrett, 2022-23 Karen Hastie Williams Fellow and 2023-24 Writer in Residence

所提供的资源是杰出的. 作为法学院学生社团的一员, I found the array of 继续法律教育 (CLE) courses and seminars particularly encouraging. These resources provided a glimpse into the professional development opportunities I can look forward to as a member of the bar. The combination of in-person and virtual events was especially beneficial, offering flexibility and a diverse range of learning 经验s.
– Alexandria Richards, 2023-24 Labor and Employment Law Community Fellow

It was a privilege to host the DC 酒吧 podcast "Lets Brief It." I used this incredible opportunity to host guest speakers who shared their perspectives on the most hard pressing and socially relevant topics of our time. 一名受害人权利欧洲杯投注赔率发来的.C to a survivor of sexual harassment and courageous lawyer challenging the legal system in Uganda, data protection and the development of international criminal law from a U.S型教授, our guests were engaging and brilliant and the topics were diverse and thoughtfully researched.
- Furaha Joy Sekai Saungweme, 2023-24 Host of the “Let’s Brief It” 播客

申请成为D.C. 酒吧 was one of the best decisions I made in 1L. I gained a perspective on the 法律社会 in D.C. 这是法律学生很少知道的. 通过D.C. 欧洲杯投注赔率协会和社区委员会, I also made invaluable connections that helped me build my legal network. I would recommend the fellowship to any law student looking for exciting and meaningful opportunities during law school!
- Kiera Yu, 2023-24 Karen Hastie Williams Fellow

The podcast was a fantastic opportunity for me to get my finger on the pulse of the D.C. 法律社会. 我联合主持了两年的播客, and had the opportunity to speak with attorneys who are actively contributing to and reforming the legal profession. The podcast has also been an integral part of my resume; it's a topic of discussion in almost every job interview, and has helped me to stand out amongst a pool of applicants. I attribute much of my success as a law student to the D.C. 酒吧学生社区及其播客. 10/10推荐给所有学法律的学生.
- Andrew Nettels, 2022-24 Host of the “Let’s Brief It” 播客



Calling all law students to host your own podcast.



获得实用的领导技能, 经验, and professional development as a member of the 领导奖学金.



A curated program designed to expose law students to clerking as a career option.



与D合作.C. 酒吧’s editorial team on various content production projects.

* Registration must be completed during early bird period. Excludes Premium events, w在这里 registration fees apply.
